Thursday, September 17, 2009

Connecting to Sybase IQ 12 from Analysis Services 2008

I've been struggling with this task for awhile now. Since MSSAS 2000, you can only use the .NET provider or the OLE DB provider.

If you have the Sybase 12 client installed, you will have the "Sybase ASE OLE DB Provider". If you also install the Sybase IQ client, you'll additionally have the "Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere OLE DB Provider 9.0"

On the ODBC side, you should have the "Sybase IQ", "Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0", and "Sybase ASE ODBC Driver".

1. Create an ODBC connection using "Sybase IQ" data source.
a. Give it a name in the Data source name field in the ODBC tab
b. Provide your username and password in the Login tab.
c. Enter the server field in the Database tab. You'll need to get this information from your DBA. For me, it was <hostname>_<instance name>
d. For the network tab, select only TCP/IP, and enter: host=<host>;port=<port>

2. Open Analysis Services, create a new data source using "Native OLE DB\Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere OLE DB Provider 9.0".
a. In the server or file name entry put the name of your ODBC data source that you created in step 1.
b. Press Test Connection, everything should work.

3. In the data source views section, create a new data source view given your data source that you just created. It seems importing the tables directly fails with some arcane error.
a. Don't select any tables, just click next, until an empty view is created.
b. You can now create named queries like "select * form <table name>"

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