Thursday, September 17, 2009

Connecting to Sybase IQ 12 from Analysis Services 2008

I've been struggling with this task for awhile now. Since MSSAS 2000, you can only use the .NET provider or the OLE DB provider.

If you have the Sybase 12 client installed, you will have the "Sybase ASE OLE DB Provider". If you also install the Sybase IQ client, you'll additionally have the "Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere OLE DB Provider 9.0"

On the ODBC side, you should have the "Sybase IQ", "Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0", and "Sybase ASE ODBC Driver".

1. Create an ODBC connection using "Sybase IQ" data source.
a. Give it a name in the Data source name field in the ODBC tab
b. Provide your username and password in the Login tab.
c. Enter the server field in the Database tab. You'll need to get this information from your DBA. For me, it was <hostname>_<instance name>
d. For the network tab, select only TCP/IP, and enter: host=<host>;port=<port>

2. Open Analysis Services, create a new data source using "Native OLE DB\Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere OLE DB Provider 9.0".
a. In the server or file name entry put the name of your ODBC data source that you created in step 1.
b. Press Test Connection, everything should work.

3. In the data source views section, create a new data source view given your data source that you just created. It seems importing the tables directly fails with some arcane error.
a. Don't select any tables, just click next, until an empty view is created.
b. You can now create named queries like "select * form <table name>"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Let's ignore the red versus blue and blue versus green and all the other colors of the rainbow. Let's also ignore all the stupid nonsense coming out of news talk shows.

What's at stake seems to be a lot more fundamental.

Is it or is it not the role of Government to protect the life of its citizens. Must the Government protect the "inalienable rights" of man - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Or is such responsibility more fickle and has dependencies on array of variables such as politics, and budgets and costs, and personal gains?

Let's see if we can look at this problem at an even more basic way. Life is fundamentally unpredictable - complexity theory. Tomorrow we can either be hit by the bus, get cancer, both, or neither. In the case of neither, we, humans are conditioned to ignore the perils until either one or both of the above occurs. Now, is it not the role of a stable, evolved society to protect its weak and young? What does it say about our society when we concisely ignore the weak and the young? Are we as a society egotistical, thinking like every other great society before us, that we can do no wrong, strong survive, weak perish, one must accept the law of nature?

Some statistics on the makeup of America, total uninsured by various categories: Variation and Health Reform.pdf

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

XML/A via Flex

XML/A stands for XML for analysis and is an industry standard for using XML to retrieve data from an OLAP cube.
The spec is available at

<cxmla:ExecuteResponse xmlns:cxmla="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">
<root xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:EX="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:exception">
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" targetNamespace="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sql="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xsd:complexType name="row">
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="_x005b_Counterpart_x005d_._x005b_All_x0020_Counterparts_x005d_._x005b_ABN_x0020_AMRO_x0020_Bank_x0020_N.V._x005d_" sql:field="[Counterpart].[All Counterparts].[ABN AMRO Bank N.V.]"/>
<_x005b_Counterpart_x005d_._x005b_All_x0020_Counterparts_x005d_._x005b_ABN_x0020_AMRO_x0020_Bank_x0020_N.V._x005d_ xsi:type="xsd:double">10</_x005b_Counterpart_x005d_._x005b_All_x0020_Counterparts_x005d_._x005b_ABN_x0020_AMRO_x0020_Bank_x0020_N.V._x005d_>

This is a sample response. In this case, I've used Pentaho Mondrian as the cube provider.
This XML can be rather easily walked with Adobe Flex.

var message:XML = ...
var soapEnv:Namespace = message.namespace("SOAP-ENV");
var cxmla:Namespace = new Namespace("cxmla", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis");

var xsd:Namespace = new Namespace("xsd", "");

var sql:Namespace = new Namespace("sql", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql");

var body:XMLList = message.soapEnv::Body;
var executeResponse:XMLList = body.cxmla::ExecuteResponse;
var schema:XMLList = executeResponse..xsd::schema;
var complexType:XMLList = schema.xsd::complexType.(@name="row")
var elements:XMLList = complexType.xsd::sequence.xsd::element;

The above will return a XMLList of elements within the complex type row.

A slight change, will produce a list of actual data rows.

var rows:XMLList = executeResponse..rowset::row;

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Problem's for your CIO

1. Business does not know itself.
Every organization struggles with the problem of data. Either it's too much data, or not enough data.

In the case of too much data, the analysts and the IT teams struggle to make sense from the barrage of data. A lot of times, IT is forced to archive data, and by so remove it from analysts access. In other cases, large amounts of data is simply stored, but no viable reporting is available, or only a small segment is reported on.

In the case of not enough data, local analysts are unable to get complete pictures because data is stored in multiple systems, and a lot of times, is localized to regions. This means that organizations struggle to get complete pictures. Imagine what that means for financial risk: What is my exposure to Bear Sterns? I don't know, it will take a few days to compile the report from various places. Don't believe me, this was the case at Lehman, and is the case at a Global Asiatic Bank. I would also bet, is the case, in almost very other institution.

2. Business doesn't trust IT to deliver.
The business simply does not not trust IT to deliver the solutions it needs. When solutions are delivered, they become large monolithic entities locking the organization in, and becoming an expensive constant expense. Any change to the systems, becomes an expense at times larger than the cost to build the system in the first place. In other times, IT simply looks like a dog chasing it's own tail. They move very fast, and have short time-lines, but the end products are not even remotely close to what the business wanted. IT seems to always have an excuse. I was once in a 3 hour meeting. The business analyst wanted account numbers. He wanted a system where he can debit one account and credit another account. For that, he needed account numbers, and amounts within those accounts. The developer for the system was trying to explain that the analyst didn't need accounts, but only had to enter the transactions and attributes of the money movement. The system can then aggregate those transactions in what ever way the analyst wanted. You see, the system was designed generically, and adding account numbers would intrude on that design. And, so they went, back and forth. Neither understanding the other. The end result, nothing. No account numbers. It was deemed that this feature wasn't go live critical, and can be addressed in the next phase.

The fault is actually neither IT nor the business. The problem is more basic. The business is very agile. It's able to move quickly and easily. If you've ever read a legal document or saw financial models, you'll understand. They can be very complex and very nuanced. Most technical architectures are not build to be nuanced. They are built to solve concrete Boolean problems. IT wants the problem defined in concrete terms, but the business is only able to articulate it's current understanding of the world. Unfortunately, tomorrow it will be a new understanding. And so, IT builds a monolith, because, that's what it knows how to build, the business changes, and the organization suffers.

This really saddens me. Technology is capable of solving so many problems, but instead it's relegated to addressing the most basic of operational problems, and even there, we struggle. Consider all the technical possibilities, neural networks, expert systems, machine learning, data mining ....

3. Business data is not clean.
So much of data is simply bad. Imagine how complex some of the systems are, and then imagine the possibility of an error. An error that doesn't generate an exception, perhaps, rounding, perhaps, a logic error, perhaps, an unforseen condition. The output data becomes bad, and so it flows through the system. A lot of times, enterprise architectures don't even do basic reconcilliation. Reconcilliaton requires active design, time and thought. Most architectures are organically produced, and are feature driven rather than any thoughtful design. The end result is frankenstein architectures and garbage data.

4. There are a lot of manual processes.
How many times have you created a new system, which actually creates more manual processes than it removes. New systems sometimes require users to enter data in multiple places, verify multiple places, etc... Some firms have massive operational groups, hundreds of people. Their sole job is to do what systems fail to do. Enter data in multiple places, reconcile, data entry, data messaging, normalization, etc... This is a horrible model. It's extremely error prone, not too mention expensive.

5. Heavy reliance on people.
I believe that machines and people have their roles. Unfortunately, a lot of jobs done by people to day, should be done by machines. Machines and people need to find a harmony. Some things we do very well, other things, machines. Sifting through large amounts of data should be the role of machines. Alerting us to unforseen circumstences, should be machines. Allowing us access to data, should be the role of machines.

6. Presentation
So few firms give through to the presentation tier. In most cases, it's an after thought. Some UI's are desktop, other's web, other's, something else. The end user is required to memorize what features are available where, what report has what, etc... God forbid, we standardize and unify the disparate systems. The user should have a single place to go, a single way to do something. The learning curve to learn how to use everything should either not exist, or be extremely small.