Thursday, July 24, 2008

Let me count the ways... I HATE Spring Security ACL

Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote a Love Poem "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." It's a lovely poem, but I am forced to use the same core phrase in a very negative connotation, and applying to technology, which "some" believe has no soul. More on that in a different post.

Now, Let me count the ways in which I hate the Spring Security Acl implementation. In any other setting, I would have written this off as some poor wanking by some poor wanker, but unfortunately, in my prior post, I've vowed to add property based security via a rule engine as an add-on for Spring Security. What I failed to realize at that writing is that Spring Security seems to be split into 2 sections. The core security, which has things like app server plugins, role, and principle management, etc... This section seems rather decent enough. Perhaps, a bit configuration heavy, but hey, that's Spring for ya. Now, this other section, the Acl section is a complete and outer fuckup. The irony is that this is a re-write of an even worse implementation.

Now, listen you Spring theists:
Why create an ObjectIdentity interface that wraps a serializable identifier, and then implement a ObjectIdentityImpl, only to cast the serializable identifier to a Long in both the BasicLookupStrategy, and the JdbcMutableAclService. As a side note, keep with the fucking naming convention. If you're going to call all the db accessors with Jdbc, then why name the jdbc lookup class BascLookupStrategy? And oh yeah, what's the point of the LookupStrategy pattern considering that you already have a lookup strategy pattern called MutableAclService, which has a Jdbc Accessor called JdbcMutableAclService?

So, even if I extend the ObjectIdentity and add support for property management, the implementation will go to hell, if someone decides to use any of the persistence classes. Oh, almost forgot, for all the bloody abstraction and interfaces, the JdbcLookupStrategy accepts an ObjectIdentity, yet, performs a direct instantiation for ObjectIdentityImpl, with a Long as a serializable id. So, there goes the ability to extend the class, or define anything but a long as an identifier. So, what's the point of creating the ObjectIdentity interface? And, what's the point of making the identifier serializable?

Ah, there is support for an Acl tree via parent/child Acl. I could create a parent Acl to represent the object, and then subsequent children for each of the properties, ah, but the damn ObjectIdentity cast to a long kills that as well.

What would be quite nice is to add property level support directly to the Access Control Entry. Of course, there is an interface, and an implementation, and supporting classes that require the implementation, making another useless interface. What's needed here is a factory pattern.

I am sorry I am angry. I've been reading Buddhist books lately, and they teach you to channel your anger, understand it's source, manage your emotions, so as to balance the negative and positive of Karma. The problem is that all this is going to force me to break from the Acl implementation in Spring, which would mean yet another Acl implementation with a subset feature set. Spring, for all it's problems, seems to provide a large feature set, and if at all possible, I prefer to enhance rather than replace.

Ok, back to Spring Security Acl bashing. The Acl interface and the AclImpl class are capable of encompassing the entire Sid structure. So, if I have 10k users, than, my poor little Acl class will start to look like an ACL cache rather than a simple pojo it was meant to be. What the ACL object should be is a representation of an object, which has properties, and is an instance of security for a single Sid. I highly disagree that a Single Acl needs to start supporting multiple Sids. Granted your approach is more flexible, but flexible to a point that there will be a single ACL class in the system, with a large array of all permissions. Acl is not a cache, it's a simple wrapper around what a single user/principle/granted authority has access to for the given object. The ACL Entry is actually supposed to be a wrapper around a property and a permission mask. That's the whole point of having a permission mask. A mask is an int, which means that you have a single integer (all those bits) that represent all the possible access control rights for a single property of a single object. The beauty of adding property support is that you're no longer limited to a 31 possible permissions, but rather unlimited, with a limit of 31 per property of an object. This means that you can conceivably have different rights per object attribute. And we all know that some objects have a lot more than 32 attributes. So, if you just wrapped the Permission mask in an ACL Entry class, then, what was the point of an ACL Entry class. You could simple collapse the whole structure into the ACL class and be done with it.

Deep breaths, I was reading another blog, which was talking about another blog that mentioned that "Every time you use Acegi... A fairy dies." My daughter love's fairy's.


Anonymous said...

Can only agree with you when you say it seems to be split into 2 sections. The core stuff is clean, easy to understand and well documented. The ACL stuff. Yikes, its been a week now, and I still cant get it working. ACL is like core spring security's evil sibling

kokaku said...

As someone about to look into Spring ACL, I'm curious if you've seen improvements in the 2 years since you wrote this.

Anonymous said...

@kokaku - I am looking at the Spring Security implementation now, and I can say there have been no improvements. I wholeheartedly agree with all of the issues identified in the post. There needs to be a much cleaner/better/more inspired implementation for ACL within Spring.

Anonymous said...

My boss told me to use acl in our project (which I work alone) and I had to. I can do nothing but agree everything you wrote.
You really expressed my feelings better than me...